DeMasi Middle School
Calendar of Events
(dates could be subject to change)
8/29/2024: 9am-12pm Back to School Teacher & Staff Brunch
9/9/2024: Back to School Night (Spirit Wear will be sold)
9/24/2024: PTA Meeting (6:15pm board, 7:00pm general)
10/7/2024-1011/2024: Fall Book Fair
10/11/2024: 6th Grade Social
10/18/2024: 7th Grade Social
11/13/2024: PTA Meeting (6:15pm board, 7:00pm general)
12/4/2024 - Dine Out Pancheros
1/17/2025: 8th Grade Snowball Dance
1/28/2025: PTA Meeting (6:15pm board, 7:00pm general)
3/5/2025 - Dine Out Pancheros
3/14/2025: 6th Grade Bingo
3/21/2025: 7th Grade Teachers vs Students Volleyball Game
3/25/2025: PTA Meeting (6:15pm board, 7:00pm general)
TBD: Teacher Appreciation Week
5/6/2025: PTA Meeting (6:15pm board, 7:00pm general)
5/19/2025-5/23/2025: Spring Book Fair
6/4/2025 (tentative): Pool Party TBD
6/9/2025 - Dine Out McDonalds
TBD: Field Day
6/13/2025: 8th Grade Graduation Dance
TBD: 8th Grade Graduation